Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Fall Pics and Projects

Here is a picture update of some things we've been up to this fall!

Uncle Joe and Aunt Lucy came stay to with us one weekend in October.
Here we are taking A&M on a horse-drawn hayride out at a fall festival
at the Wood Co. Historical Center.
Joe and Lu :)
In Asher's words: Tigey. Rooooar!
Pumpkin croquet (of sorts)
She's a giraffe, btw.

The verdict is still out of our official stance on Halloween in the Martin household. No, I don't like the idea of celebrating evil. But at the same time, it's nothing but fun for the kiddos to play pretend in their costumes... But the candy, oh the candy. I def. do not like the idea of all that sugar. I could list a million reasons, but mainly is just excessive and I don't like what it is teaching children who already have horrendous eating habits. (no fault of their own) I understand my kids will eat candy some day. Just not sure of how to commuincate that yes it tastes good, but no, it's not a good choice. I want to find the balance.

Nevertheless, on Halloween day, Asher and I did our own jack-o-latern project since we didn't get around to carving pumpkins.

We started with a jar and the supplies seen here.
Cut masking tape into pieces for the face.
Then I let Asher go-to-town with the paint.
There's really no way to screw it up since there were no
lines to stay in or boundaires of any kind. Just paint and get messy.
After the paint dried I pulled off the tape and voila!
We used a votive inside, but you could use a flameless candle too.
The Martin Fam passing out mini bags of pretzels (and M&M's since Ben thought
we'd get egged if all we gave out were pretzels) to trick-or-treaters.

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