Amelia Grace's first birthday was yesterday. The weather was very similar to what it was on November 17th, 2010: Sunny but cold. I remember waking up that Wednesday morning thinking, Okay little lady, we have 2 days til you'll be forced out. (an induction was scheduled for Friday morning as she was nearly 2 weeks late) Let's get walking... And off we went, Asher in his bright yellow stroller and me with my ready-to-burst belly feeling like a freak of nature as we walked up to Panera. I had a free bagel waiting for me on my Panera card, yet I could not eat it. What was wrong with me? Asher and I sat and chatted with Zachari and Kelli for a while and then walked back home. I thought that baby might fall out of me she was felt so low!
It will all I could do to feed Asher some lunch and then get him down for a nap so I could lay down too. I just did NOT feel good. And then as I laid down and tried to rest, I knew it was happening. Finally. I called Ben who was supposed to come home for lunch and told him to let his boss know he wouldn't be back.
Things stared to get pretty intense pretty quick and luckily Asher took a brief nap. We dropped him off at the Alt's and came back home. Both of our mom's were on the way since they were invited to be a part of the birth. We tried to wait, but I felt like we should head to the hospital and get checked in. I didn't want to be going through all the nonsense when I was really laboring.
We got into our room around 3:30 pm. By 6 I was ready to push. At 6:09, our girl was here. Still time to eat some dinner :)
Oh good times... But I must say I'm enjoying not being pregnant right now. I like being able to keep up with my 1 and 2 year-old without constant fatigue and a giant belly.
Pics of the 1st Bday party to come...
Sweet little Millie...
Happy birthday Millie, I had marked but last week was a rough one. Hope she had a wonderful one!
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